Good News
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Twas on a cold and wintry night When loud the wind did blow, That all alone down Dublin's streets A lad was seen to go. Though clad in rags and tatters old, Though thin and pinched his form. The glad expression on his face Contrasts his ciothes forlorn — He's joyful as he hurries on, For some kind man has said He'll give him for one night a home, And for one night a bed. He told him where to find the place, Yet stayed him as he ran With: 'Wait. no-one will let you in Without a pass, my man. John 3:16 must be your pass, Be off, do not delay,' So this is why our orphan boy Hurried upon his way.
He hastened on repeating o'er The words again. again, 'John 3:16, John John 3:16's my name.'" He soon was tapping on the door. He gave his pass ln dread, it's John a:16 here' he cried, 'For just one night a bed'
Come in, come in, yes, you are safe," With that the lad was given A wholesome meal. a bed so clean He thought it must be heaven. Then at the dawn when he awoke He food again received. And passed outside into the street, His hunger now relieved.
Still radiant in his happiness, He stepped into the road. Not seeing in his joy the car With all its 'heavy load. It swerved and hit the dreaming boy, Who stumbled on the ground; Unconscious when they picked him up Our orphan lad was found. They quickly rushed him off to where His wounds would soon be bound, And there he Lay for many a day Without a word or sound.
At last, when hope of life was gone. And human aid seemed vain, The orphan lad in part revived, They asked 'him then his name. 'John 3:16, John 3:16, Read it, 'twill do you good,' Was all the feverish boy could say, 'My pass, a bed and food,'
The helpless orphan's cry, They wondered what It all could mean, Whet was this strange reply? At night, when all was dark and dim In that poor suffering room, And those who could not sleep for pain Lay silent in the gloom, A youthful voice would echo through And pierce the startled air, "John 3:16, John 316, Read it, for good is there." And many a dying man was moved To find what it could mean, And read in silence of the night That verse John 3:16.
At last the orphan lad revived, And gazed about in awe. Where was he? in his head such pain, And who were these he saw? 'Hello, John 3:16" a voice Called out across the roam. John 3:16! John 3:16? Ah yes! That night. that gloom — My pass into that home of rest. "Your name has done me good,' A fellow whispered from his side As loudly as he could.
The orphan wondered how the name Could help a feverish man, And pleaded that he might be read The words that brought such gain. A kindly nurse came by and sat Beside him as he lay, And opened there her Bible old To where the words did say, So sweet: For God so loved the world, His only Son He gave, That whosoever believes in Him Eternal life should have. And God in mercy reached the lad. And gave his eyes to see The beauty in His only Son. Who died to make us free.
A priest at bed nearby Prayed with such long and lengthy words To one about to die. The sacrament he gave to him, Then left without a word, While all the men to silence lapsed, No voice, no sound was heard. Save but the groaning of the one Who knew he had no hope, Who knew no joy, no peace, no love. And lost in sin did grope.
At last the orphan lad cried out "Your pass, John 3:1e, 'Twill do you gcod, 'twill do you good." Then from his bed did lean, And cried! For God so loved the world Hls only Son He gave, That whosoever believes in Him Eternal life should have.' And all at once the glory dawned into that dying soul, And with one smile of joy and peace He passed on to his goal.
And what of you my reader, now? Your pass, John 3:16, To heavenly joy, and peace, and love, Eternal life serene. There is no other way to gain A place in Jesus' home, But, by believing that He died And bore your sins alone. My Saviour has prepared for me A rest in heaven above, And it's for all who trust His word And His unfailing love.